Flatirons Kennel Club is an All-Breed Kennel Club founded in 1963 and sanctioned by the American Kennel Club to serve Boulder County and the surrounding communities.
Our shows and trials are held in the Boulder County Fairgrounds complex. Boulder County Fairgrounds Maps and Directions
We provide connection to Purebred and All-American Dog activities such as Agility, Conformation, Obedience and Rally Obedience
Flatirons KC is invested in the future of our sport. We are proud to offer scholarships to Juniors who wish to hone their Conformation and Performance skills.
Flatirons KC is also committed the Owner-Handled and we are happy to offer the AKC National Owner Handled Series events at our shows.
Most importantly, Flatirons KC is committed to the responsible and ethical breeding of purebred dogs.
Judy Walton - President
Liz Johnson - Vice President
- Treasurer
Wilma White - Recording Secretary
Andrea Floyd - Corresponding Secretary
At Large:
Lora Richards
Karen Evasuik
Why Join an ALL Breed CLUB ?
If you are just getting your feet wet and need to learn the basics, your local all-breed kennel club is your go-to source for knowledge about the sport. Go online to find your nearest dog club, reach out to introduce yourself and you will be invited to attend the next meeting as a guest. Don’t worry that the members don’t own your breed; the knowledge of raising dogs, training them for competition and putting on shows transcends any one breed. If the club runs weekly handling classes, start dropping in with your puppy. You will learn how to handle your dog with confidence, and hear about upcoming shows and seminars. You will also make many friends and find a mentor to guide you. In the early days, having some friendly faces at ringside rooting for you unconditionally, as well as offering some useful handling tips, is so important.
Established breeder-exhibitors are the lifeblood of any club. Your willingness to teach a session of handling classes or take a newbie under your wing will help the club prosper and the sport to carry on. No doubt a local club contributed to your dog knowledge as you were coming up through the ranks, so it’s important to pay it forward and help the club continue to sustain itself.